Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Applied Ethics and Sustainability Virtue Ethics

Question: Describe about the Applied Ethics and Sustainability for Virtue Ethics. Answer: Introduction The purpose of the study is to explain the connection between the ethical sustainability of the pollution of global commons that is continuously created by the organisations that deals with the oil and gas mainly (Robbins et al. 2013). As the industry is concerned with the chemicals therefore, the chances of polluting the environment are very high in this industry. Therefore, in this study the researcher is focussing on the issue that is creating the ethical dilemmas in the industry of oil of gas and then has discussed the relation with sustainability with it. In the final part of the study, the researcher has also tried to recommend some suggestions to overcome the situations. Pollution of Global Commons and Sustainability According to Parks (2013), every organisation follows a particular ethics for their company. The ethics are the principles that tell the management of an organisation to decide the procedures and policies, which are right or wrong. Ethics are the principles that help the organisational management to understand which are right for the company to incorporate and which will be wrong for them. Therefore, according the dealing area or operational platform the organisations implement a particular rules and regulations for their company. As opined by Dent and Whitehead, (2013), the companies do not go after their ethical ideology or disobey those values intentionally and then the organisational values disbalanced to maintain the ethical values. This also creates many problems regarding various aspects and the pollution is one of the most important sides of this effect. In this study the researcher is trying to state the relation between the sustainability that can be claimed by the removing the factors that is polluting the global commons. The oil and gas industry is one of them that are operating in most of the area of world that is needed to be changed according to the requirement of the environment. Therefore, the main aim of this industry is to promote their steps that they are taking for improving the situation and their statistical data are showing that they are gradually become successful in this case (Lynn and Salzman 2015). Moreover, indirectly the ethical issue is recovering from day to day improvement process and the sustainability can be reached by this. Significant Ethical Issues regarding Pollution of Global Commons The researcher discusses the significant issues that the industries like oil and gas are facing due to these ethical dilemmas here. The industry of this oil and gas has spread almost all over the world with the most challenging issues and has faced many times the problems regarding the pollution related issue that has decreased their business level. Therefore, to perform the good human rights policy and practices in internal and external situations is more important for the companies to maintain (Bai and Morris 2014). In this industry, the pollution of global commons is very essential for the ethical values and regarding this, the industry has faced many problems and issues that have deteriorated their business in world economy. The main issue is relating to the carbon emission problem that has increased in few days ago and the environment pollution rate has increased due to this problem. This was really a concern for the environment savers and for the countries; those are facing var ious health problem regarding this. Therefore, the company has incorporated such measurements to overcome these issues related ethical problems (Hao 2014). Canada is one of the recent countries that have joined the position of exporting oil nations and in present time, the country is supplying petroleum, the most important element of oil and gas industry, to the US more than the countries like Mexico or Saudi Arabia. This exceptional incensement in the profit level of the country has reached a high level with the Bitumen of the industry that the country has generated astonishing revenue, which has raised the government funds irrevocably. The GDP of the country has increase with the industry until five per cent while the bitumen has made up the extra 25 per cent of the nation's exports. The country, Canada has faced the problem regarding this pollution and ethical issue when the Keystone XL pipeline leak and had a huge effect on the environment (Chan et al. 2013). It was also said that there would be no oil-exporting nation to influence oil money and its dirty politics in the countries as if Christian based or Muslim. The country has use d the bitumen as their new "economic engine" but they did not set the exact policy for using the process to reduce the economic risks. Since 1996, in the country the global oil industry has invested approximately $200 billion in bitumen mines, up graders, pipelines and steam plants. ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, Sinopec, Petro China, Total and Chevron the seven companies has recently planned to invest an additional $180-billion on the resource over the next two decades. This has the aim to enhance the production level per day basis from 1.6 million barrels a day to more than 3 million barrels to make the profit increase more (Goetsch and Davis 2014). They were not just happy with this much area and profit of the company but they were trying to expand their area of operation in the places where they had not operate before. The company has expanded their business near the boreal forest the size of Rhode Island by 2030 where they will have dug a 40-metre hole. It has already created lakes of mining waste, almost 170 square kilometres, which was great enough to flood Washington, D.C. or downtown Vancouver. Moreover, the world's longest and least secure pipelines were all connected to the project that has the chances to ruin the business by any time that can be harmful for the business as well as to the environment. In the time of recession the main issue was emerged in the industry as the industry has invested very huge amount of money that the companies has to face in the situation. The most important issue of this section was that the expensive hydrocarbon that was highly vulnerable was in stock. However, the recession has forced the countries to remove the invested amount from the industry still the rise of the price of the petrol has increased that much that the companies has to face a loss regarding the pollution of the global commons (60 to $80 a barrel) (Schaubroeck et al. 2012). The failure was too high that the leak had harmed the area in a very vulnerably. In this case, just one Enbridge pipeline leak has raised the price of oil by ten dollars, which was very high and nearly half a dozen shut down United States refineries. Identifying ethical and sustainable response to the problems inherent in this issue and Recommendations The oil and gas industry aims to sustain the fundamental values of human rights to avoid the problems regarding the pollution and global issues that the oil and gas companies has created with the carbon emission and now the steps that they has taken to overcome it by: Companies will follow the ethical business practices; fighting dishonesty and implementing ethical trading policies in those places; the companies will treat the people without any discrimination and through non-discriminatory employment practices and give the provision of getting a living wage; the people or the employees will be respected without any doubt about their local communities, and involving them in decision-making processes, which can affect them; working to make sure a fair sharing of economic settlement The ethical issues in the company have increased that the problems regarding the pollution in the environment. The pollution level of the company has increased by the individual emission of the carbon that the need of implementing more steps to incorporate the ethical issues is become very vital now. Therefore, the companies related to this oil and gas industry has focussed on implementing the strong human rights policies in place (Hill and Schilling 2014). The member companies that are occupied in promoting ethical business and protecting respect for the ethical human rights in several ways: the programmes related to promoting human rights and ethics: The companies are implementing many ways of training sessions and programmes a wide audience ranging from management to the very low-level employees about the losing human rights in their operating area. Stakeholder engagement incensement: The companies are also providing the relationships with external stakeholders such as governments, security forces, various NGOs, local communities etc continue to evolve and grow. According to them, the good relation sharing with the stakeholders are more important to maintain the level of pollution in the range of the recommended version by the WHO. Therefore, the companies need to consult with their stakeholders about the pollution rate and supply the materials that are up to dated according to the set level. the companies can engage themselves in the process of decreasing the pollution level they can enforce the rules and regulations regarding the procedures of the ranging the problems. They can implement various new advanced machines that can able to reduce the emission of the hydrocarbon from the production procedures. It will help the customers to get the appropriate products from them as well as the pollution level will too be decreased the companies have to promote their own emission processes that they are taking or implementing in their daily works to reduce the pollution level. It will increase the trust of the customers over them that the customers as well as the stajkeholders will accept the company. Therefore, their main aim have to implement the requirements of the industry to fulfil by using advanced machineries as well as promoting the process that they are taking to reduce to to gain the trust of them. It will help them to increase their sustainability in the business. Conclusion In the conclusion, the researcher has observed that this issue is an increasing ethical dilemma that is creating the problems regarding the oil and gas industry etc. The challenges that the oil and gas industry is facing due to the ethical issues that has emerged the companies to incorporate the steps to reduce the pollution level by the carbon emission.The researcher has explained the impact of ethical values on the oil and gas organisation; and then discussed the processes of the reducing pollution that has the incorporated by the companies regarding this industry and the issues related to this also has explained to understand the problem. Therefore, the companies that are implementing some steps to recover the situation and to get the sustainability in business in the world market resolve the challenges. Reference List Bai, X., and Morris, N. 2014. Leadership and virtue ethics: A Daoist approach.Public Integrity,16(2), 173-186. Chan, R. Y., Ma, K. H., and Wong, Y. 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