Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evolving role of state and federal government in U.S. education Essay

Evolving role of state and federal government in U.S. education - Essay Example Since the era of 1867, the government has been a key factor towards enacting an educational system to fit the needs of its citizens. The creation of this organization was the hallmark of emphasis of creating a system in which the government can associate itself with the school system. The Department of Education which was created in 1867 aimed to establish a foundation for the implementation of a public school system. Two Decades later, the Second Morrill Act on 1980 became a critical component towards administering grants to colleges and academic centers throughout the nation. The utilization of taxes to fund Federal aid to schools became a vital piece towards harnessing the growth of the system itself. Post World War II, the Federal government spear headed a strong push towards extending support from government bureaucrats. One of the most notorious bills was known as the â€Å"GI Bill,† which authorized postsecondary education assistance enabling many young war veterans to return to their secular education. The initiation of the Cold War was a reality check for the Federal government as tensions continued to flare between both sites. Congress quickly stepped into action and passed the 1958 National Defense Education Act, which allowed individuals to focus their attention in math and science in order to combat the innovation of the Soviets. This again was critical as it enabled American citizens to improve their critical and analytical skills in all aspects of academic education. Furthermore, it enabled individuals to pursue post secondary education and obtain a graduate degree. If the â€Å"GI Bill† was not sufficient to address the deficiencies in the educational system, the Title IX was the cure that literally transformed the dynamics of the educational system. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 undoubtedly diminished the gender disparities that

Monday, October 28, 2019

Learning English On-line Essay Example for Free

Learning English On-line Essay Introduction In these days of fast-changing technology, almost everything is being affected and changed by technology’s machinery – including the world of academe. Because almost everything now is in the world-wide-web, most people look to the internet for information, business, research, etc. Thus, it is no wonder that even the academia is flowing along this trend and is using the internet as means to enhance learning. As much as it is true that large and considerable help is found in the Net, when it comes to the issue of serious and more fruitful study, traditional schooling is still advantageous. Though some among the academic world have casted their votes for on-line learning, this paper attempts to give the opposite view. This is an argument against on-line learning. Disadvantages of E-Classes Several things are propounded by those who criticize e-learning which merit the attention of those who are on the pro side. 1.) No personalized face to face communication with teachers. Because there is no real interaction with teachers as inside the actual classroom, critics argue that e-learning, in the process, loses its being â€Å"educational† in the truest sense of education, or according to its philosophy . Not only that the students in e-class deprived of teacher-student interaction, they are also lacking class audience which is very crucial in the development of confidence, in terms of learning how to deal with â€Å"real listeners.† 2.) Isolation. Another disadvantage facing an e-student is the feeling of isolation that often and normally ensues in an e-class scenario. Although this is effectively answered by those supporting e-learning, still, it ought to be considered as this has been the real case in this set up/arrangement. 3.) No group learning activities. Group learning activities are very fruitful tool for study which stimulate and yield a lot of ideas. Not being able to join such group discussions is indeed a weakness of e-learning. Students need the variety of ways of learning which a college/campus usually is able to provide. Conclusion Learning English as a second language is not easily learned in an e-class scenario. The three points I have cited above that argue against e-learning are crucial ones. Anything that is used or added up to stimulate learning in any educational set up should have the quality or atmosphere that may inspire and thus enhance learning. Anything which does not guarantee the acquisition of holistic knowledge is not education in its truest sense. Works Cited 1. Peters, Richard S. In Accessed April 28, 2007.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Advances in Research on Plant Genetic Resources of Mexico :: Ecology Ecological Nature Mexico Essays

Advances in Research on Plant Genetic Resources of Mexico We read in this book that in Mexico can be found 30,000 of the 250,000 species of higher plants so far described. Between 5,000 to 7,000 of Mexican species are deemed to be of economic use, and of these, 1,000 to 1,500 are edible. According to a conservative estimate cited here, 10% of genera and 52% of species found in Mexico are endemic. This makes Mexico, a country that ranks 14th globally in terms of territorial extension, the fourth country in terms of biodiversity. It is therefore evident that an understanding of Mexican flora, in conjunction with effective strategies for use and preservation, is of first importance for our plant-dependant, agricultural world. Contributors to this work argue for this and more: 1) the urgency of halting degradation of biological and cultural environments that are closely tied to the use and preservation of many important ecotypes, 2) the significance of social issues that affect the viability of ways of life that have created, and that maintain, important stores of the world's genetic diversity, 3) the need for coordinated strategies and action between national initiatives and those of international germplasm agencies. It is satisfying to see Mexican scientists earnestly wrestling with such issues. The book consists of the proceedings of the third meeting on Mexican biodiversity (8-9 February, 1990), organized jointly by the Mexican Society of Plant Genetics (SOMEFI) and the Botanical Garden of Mexico's national university (UNAM). Strongly represented are top researchers from UNAM's Biology department, from the agricultural university of Chapingo, from the national agricultural research agency (INIFAP), and from the PostGraduate College, Mexico's premiere institutions for the study of ecological and agricultural sciences. Significantly, the book is dedicated to one of the foremost authorities on Mexican flora and traditional farming systems, Efraim Hernà ¡ndez Xolocotzi, who was to die a year after presenting the lead paper at this conference. The proceedings have been well edited for book format. Text is in Spanish, with a summary provided for each chapter in Spanish and excellent English. The book is organized into six major sections, including papers on the general philosophy of biodiversity preservation, regional studies, basic studies, the policies of international preservation societies, and a succinct summary of the discussions of the symposium. However, the pith of the book is the third section, consisting of depth reviews of current germplasm status for several major species of useful Mexican plants, including: Zea, Phaseolus, Amaranthus, Capsicum, Cucurbita, Physalis, Sechium, Persea, Crataegus, Agave, and several medicinal species.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

What Leadership Means Essay -- Leadership Leaders Management Essays

What Leadership Means Leadership is 'the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a shared goal'. (Hemphill and Coons, 1957, p.7) A leader is interpreted as someone who sets direction in an effort and influences people to follow that direction. How they set that direction and influence people depends on a variety of factors. To really comprehend the 'territory' of leadership, one should briefly scan some of the major theories, notice various styles of leadership and review some of the suggested traits and characteristics that leaders should have. There are many leadership theories. Arthur G. Jago (1982) proposed a framework that organizes leadership theories based on each theory's focus and approach. "Focus" refers to whether leadership is viewed as a set of traits or as a set of actions. Focus on Traits: Theories with such a focus see leaders as having certain innate or inherent personality traits that distinguish them from non-leaders. These personality traits are supposed to be relatively stable and enduring. Focus on Behaviour: Theories with this type of focus see leadership as observable actions of the leader instead of personality traits. "Approach" is concerned with whether a particular theory or model of leadership takes a universal or a contingent perspective. Universal Approach: This approach believes that there is a universal formula of traits or behaviour for an effective leader. In other words, the universal approach assumes that there is "one best way" to lead in all situations. Contingent Approach: Contrary to the universal approach, the contingent approach does not believe the "one best way" formula. It believes that effective leadership depends on the specific situation. I am going to analyse two theories in detail, which according to me appear contradictory are Blake and Mouton?s Managerial Grid Theory (1978) under the head behaviour theories and Fiedler?s Contingency theories under the head contingencies theory. Behavioural Theories For over 20 years, a major thrust in leadership research has focused on the various behavioural patterns or styles used by different leaders and the functions fulfilled by these individuals. This research examined the impact that leadership behaviour had on the performance and satisfaction of followers. From... ... totally group or task-oriented; group members and the situation itself, all influence a leaders effectiveness. The leader needs to be aware of his own behaviour and influence on others, individual differences of group members, group characteristics, task structure, environmental and situational variables, and adjust his leadership style accordingly. Leadership needs to be adaptive. Organizations have changed over the past several decades with regard to the structuring of work methods and processes. Moving away from the traditional hierarchical design, most organizations are developing flatter, leaner structures that support a more empowered, team-based workforce. The nature of leadership has also changed significantly over time. References Gary A. Yukl, (2002) Leadership In Organizations, Prentice-Hall International Edition, 2nd Edition, Peter L. Wright, (1996) Managerial Leadership, Routledge, 1st Edition, Bittel L. R., The McGraw-Hill 36 ?hour Management Course, (McGraw-Hill, 1989), Fred E. Fiedler, (1987), A Theory Of Leadership Effectiveness, McGraw-Hill, 1st Edition Blake, R. R. and Mouton, J. S. (1978) The New Managerial Grid, Houston TX What Leadership Means Essay -- Leadership Leaders Management Essays What Leadership Means Leadership is 'the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a shared goal'. (Hemphill and Coons, 1957, p.7) A leader is interpreted as someone who sets direction in an effort and influences people to follow that direction. How they set that direction and influence people depends on a variety of factors. To really comprehend the 'territory' of leadership, one should briefly scan some of the major theories, notice various styles of leadership and review some of the suggested traits and characteristics that leaders should have. There are many leadership theories. Arthur G. Jago (1982) proposed a framework that organizes leadership theories based on each theory's focus and approach. "Focus" refers to whether leadership is viewed as a set of traits or as a set of actions. Focus on Traits: Theories with such a focus see leaders as having certain innate or inherent personality traits that distinguish them from non-leaders. These personality traits are supposed to be relatively stable and enduring. Focus on Behaviour: Theories with this type of focus see leadership as observable actions of the leader instead of personality traits. "Approach" is concerned with whether a particular theory or model of leadership takes a universal or a contingent perspective. Universal Approach: This approach believes that there is a universal formula of traits or behaviour for an effective leader. In other words, the universal approach assumes that there is "one best way" to lead in all situations. Contingent Approach: Contrary to the universal approach, the contingent approach does not believe the "one best way" formula. It believes that effective leadership depends on the specific situation. I am going to analyse two theories in detail, which according to me appear contradictory are Blake and Mouton?s Managerial Grid Theory (1978) under the head behaviour theories and Fiedler?s Contingency theories under the head contingencies theory. Behavioural Theories For over 20 years, a major thrust in leadership research has focused on the various behavioural patterns or styles used by different leaders and the functions fulfilled by these individuals. This research examined the impact that leadership behaviour had on the performance and satisfaction of followers. From... ... totally group or task-oriented; group members and the situation itself, all influence a leaders effectiveness. The leader needs to be aware of his own behaviour and influence on others, individual differences of group members, group characteristics, task structure, environmental and situational variables, and adjust his leadership style accordingly. Leadership needs to be adaptive. Organizations have changed over the past several decades with regard to the structuring of work methods and processes. Moving away from the traditional hierarchical design, most organizations are developing flatter, leaner structures that support a more empowered, team-based workforce. The nature of leadership has also changed significantly over time. References Gary A. Yukl, (2002) Leadership In Organizations, Prentice-Hall International Edition, 2nd Edition, Peter L. Wright, (1996) Managerial Leadership, Routledge, 1st Edition, Bittel L. R., The McGraw-Hill 36 ?hour Management Course, (McGraw-Hill, 1989), Fred E. Fiedler, (1987), A Theory Of Leadership Effectiveness, McGraw-Hill, 1st Edition Blake, R. R. and Mouton, J. S. (1978) The New Managerial Grid, Houston TX

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nvq Err Task B

Task B – Your Work Role Bi-Describe Terms Conditions of Contract of Employment Job Description, Defining my Role, Responsibilities as well as the roles of others such as Managers & Supervisors. Entitlement, Such as Rate of Pay, Holidays, Sickness Benefit, Pensions & Expenses. Responsibilities, Working Hours, Illness, Absence, Complaints Procedures, Notice Periods (leaving & dismissal), Company Dress Code, Changes in Circumstances, Assessments & Training. General,Correct Use of Company Equipment (telephones & computers), Codes of Behaviour, Health & Safety. Bii-Describe Information on Payslip Company Name, My Name, Payment Number, Payment Period, Employee Number, Tax Code National Insurance Number, Payment Date, Rate of Pay (holiday, sickness, overtime), Contributions (tax & national insurance, pension), Gross & Net Pay. Biii-Identify 2 Changes in Personal Info Any change in circumstances such as my name, address & contact information. Bv-Explain Agreed Ways of Working Data Pro tectionBy agreeing that no data is disclosed without the consent of clients and ensuring that all sensitive information is stored in a secure manner (filing cabinets locked, computers password protected). Grievance By agreeing a solution with the employer in order to resolve any disputes or differences in opinion which can be recorded in writing in order to avoid Legal or Trade Representations. Conflict Management It is essential that good lines of communication exist between the employer & employee so that the employer is confident that the employee`s time in the workplace is both constructive & productive.Anti-discriminatory Practice In order to maintain no person is discriminated against in the workplace employers should offer guidance with the Company Discrimination Policy & employee`s should participate in training. Health & Safety The employer needs to outline the employee`s role & responsibilities within company in order for the employee to work in a safe & secure manner when making practical decisions in the workplace. ConfidentialityIt is essential that this is maintained at all times in order to promote professionalism, trust, value, understanding & confidence in the employee`s ability when dealing with clients & their needs. Whistleblowing Unethical behaviour by staff & management is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated in any circumstance. Employers should have strict guidelines in order for the employee to make an informed decision on possible breaches & report accordingly without the fear of repercussion. Bvi-Explain How Role Contributes to Service ProvidedMy role is provide clients with support, attention & understanding in order to provide them with the best possible care I can provide. Bvii-Explain How to Influence Quality of Service Best Practice Customer service is priority, I must be kind, considerate & polite at all times in order to promote client confidence which can be done easily with constructive comments & positive feedback. Requirem ents By not carrying out the requirements of my role the basic care & attention required by my clients would suffer & this would have a destructive and negative impact on their recovery.Bviii-Describe How Own Work is Influenced by Codes of Practice etc. These National factors & Codes of Practice give me guidance, standards & guidelines to follow whilst Legislation advises me of what is considered safe & acceptable behaviour within the workplace. Bix-Influential Representative Bodies Social Services Providing a wide range practical & emotional support services which offer awareness & security in order to manage the welfare of vulnerable people within the community. Human Rights Offering a secure & safe standard of life without prejudice or discrimination.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Signs You Are a Chemistry Major

Signs You Are a Chemistry Major If you are a chemistry major, you already know youre special. Yet, can people sense  you are a chemistry major before you tell them? Yes! Here are the signs that set you apart from other students. You get annoyed when someone tells you they dont want chemicals in their food (shampoo, cleaners, etc.) because you know everything is a chemical.The dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep are from pulling all-nighters to write up lab reports  and work chemistry problems rather than from partying.You often smell like a signature scent from the lab that no one mistakes for designer perfume. If you work in certain labs, even your breath reeks of  an organic solvent.You not only know what Avogadros number is, but can state it with 5  significant figures. You also realize Avogadro isnt the one who came up with the number that bears his name, although he did describe a gas law. You own a lab coat, wear it even when it isnt necessary, and like the interesting  way it smells. Despite the lab coat, most of your pants have holes in them from acid burns. Your shoes and possibly your lab notebooks also bear these marks.  Theres a good chance you have some scars from chemical burns, too.You make the Best. Coffee. Ever. Every time. Your cupboard contains lab glassware in addition to the usual kitchen utensils. You didnt borrow it from the lab, did you?You know the difference between borosilicate glass, flint glass, and leaded  crystal (and why its not really crystal). You know what color will be produced by burning pretty much  every metal salt  known to mankind. When someone refers to a mole, you think of the unit, not the burrowing mammal.If asked, you could provide detailed instructions for 10 ways to make it go boom. You likely have pictures of key examples on your cell phone. Your lawn may have a few dead spots from outdoor experiments.When asked if something is organic, you consider whether it contains carbon and hydrogen, not whether it was grown without pesticides.You can pronounce the name of every ingredient on product packaging, know its purpose, and may be able to draw its structure.You know, without looking, what color Chemistry Cat is. If you have a cat, you  consider dressing it up like C hemistry Cat for Halloween. You have multiple copies of the periodic table, although you could state the names of at least the first 20 elements in order and possibly their atomic weights. The periodic table may be the wallpaper on your phone and computer.You rarely get to wear sandals or flip flops. When you do wear them, youre conscious of spilling liquids on your feet.If you need vision correction, you wear glasses, because you cant wear contacts in the lab. You may even own a pair of prescription safety glasses.You own or want to wear a bow tie.No matter how well things are going, you can always find some type of  error.You dont sniff perfume or even food the same way as others. You use your ​hand to wave a small amount of the odor toward your nose. Its a dead giveaway you took a chemistry lab. You May Also Like College  Chemistry Major Courses 10 Careers in ChemistryHigh School Courses To Major in Chemistry

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write a Technology Essay Simple Steps for a Difficult Paper

How to Write a Technology Essay Simple Steps for a Difficult Paper Need advice on how to write a technology essay? Technology is a vast and evolving field and it involves a wide variety of subjects within. Writing on technology can involve researching how it solves problems, creates new problems in the environment and in contemporary society, and how the interaction with technology advancements is changing the humankind. In this article, you will find a complete technology essay writing guide and some interesting ideas to help you get started. We will break down the challenging writing process into manageable parts. Keep reading to learn about effective strategies that will help you improve your writing, avoid common mistakes, and create an outstanding essay on technology. What Is a Technology Essay? A technology essay is similar to other essays at college so you need to answer a specific research question by developing a convincing argument that is based on relevant evidence and critical reasoning. Like any academic essay, it is a large project that involves completing several steps before you hand it in such as analyzing the question, gathering resources, information, and evidence, developing a plan (outline), getting the rough draft done, editing, and proofreading. A technology essay must include some key elements: a clear introduction with a strong thesis statement; body paragraphs that are logically structured and include supporting evidence from scholarly sources; an impressive concluding paragraph that restates your essay topic and summarizes the key points and the thesis statement. To succeed in writing an impressive technology essay, you’ll need to demonstrate your understanding of a topic and apply critical thinking skills to provide a deep analysis of a variety of academic sources to support your argument. Before you start working on your essay, it’s important to have a good idea of what type of essay you are required to write, for example: comparative essay; argumentative essay; interpretative essay; analytical essay; cause and effect essay; problem and solution essay; response essay etc. You should pay attention to the language of the question. Task words such as analyze, review, compare, explore etc. indicate the type of essay you are supposed to complete and suggest the most appropriate structure you should follow. For example, if the question in your assignment includes such words as investigate, discuss or analyze, you need to write an analytical technology essay. You have to structure your essay to break the topic into several components and discuss them in different sections or paragraphs, trying to keep the balance where it is possible. Steps in Doing Research for Your Technology Essay Writing Wondering how to get started? Follow these easy steps. Understand Your Assignment Re-read the assignment sheet and find out what kind of technology essay your instructor has assigned. You can also look for additional information in the textbooks. For example, you may be asked to choose a technology topic for an analysis and response essay and to research 3 or more perspectives on an issue. Find an Interesting Technology Topic Idea Select a broad topic you are interested in and then narrow it so that it would be possible to cover it in your technology essay. For example, you may be interested in data mining. It’s a broad topic so you should choose some aspect of this topic and write, for example, about basic data mining strategies for business or predictive analytics. Not sure which technology topic to choose? Look over the topic list below to find an idea that really interests you. Are Virtual Reality Technologies Beneficial? Should Human Cloning Be Banned? What Is Your Attitude to International Surrogacy? How Did Technology Change the World? Is It Ethical to Genetically Engineer People? Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous? What Is the Future of Smart Homes? What Should Be Done to Overcome the Digital Divide? Are Brain-controlling Technologies Dangerous? Do Technologies Make Us Lazy? How Is DNA Information Forming Our Identities? Why Do People Become Addictive To Technologies? Why Are Nuclear Weapons Dangerous? How Is Augmented Reality Changing Education? How Can You Prove That Global Warming Is Real? What Is the Impact Of Cloud Computing? Benefits of Open-source Software How Important Is Managing Social Networking Profiles? Are Social Media Making People Lonely? How Can New Technologies Help In Treating Mental Illnesses? It’s important to take into account your assignment requirements. For example, if you have to write a position, argument or a cause and effect essay, you will need to explore and discuss different perspectives but you will have to use your answer to the assignment question as your thesis statement. Find Relevant Sources and Read about Your Topic When you find a topic that you like, you can learn more about that specific issue by finding relevant articles in authoritative online sources or Google Scholar. You can also look for more articles on technology issues in your college library. A good idea is to check such magazines as Popular Scientist, Scientific American or Discover although they are for the non-technical audience. If you want to find breaking news and research, you can check Science Daily. Select a Research Question Write out a specific question for doing research and make a list of other issues related to your topic that you can use as keywords for your further research. You can also use other questions to broaden your perspective and find more interesting ideas. Use Keywords to Find Other Sources You can use search engines to find technology articles but make sure that all of them are from credible authoritative sources. When reading articles on technology that you have found, you can also follow links in them to find good primary sources and academic articles. Make Notes as You Read Sources You should write down interesting ideas that you can use for citing and paraphrasing when writing your technology essay. Make sure you include all the necessary information about every source such as the title, the author’s name, the date of publication etc. You can write down this information on a spreadsheet or on separate cards for each source. You will need this information when making a references page. Making an Outline When you have gathered enough relevant material, you need to use different brainstorming techniques to organize your ideas and think about the structure of your technology essay. You have to make a detailed outline that will help you stay focused on the topic you have chosen and work more productively. Besides, a detailed outline will allow you to avoid the writer’s block because you’ll be able to start writing your essay from any part. The structure of your essay will depend on its specific type. For example, when writing an argumentative technology essay, you will need to take a position on a particular topic and present convincing arguments to support it. An effective technique to do it is to present the opposing view and counter this particular view with stronger evidence. Then the structure of your essay may look like this. Introduction: Background information on a topic; Thesis statement; Overview of the arguments you are going to present (structure) Body Paragraphs: Paragraph 1 A topic sentence that presents the first argument; Sentences where you give explanations and provide evidence to support the topic sentence; Concluding sentence with a link to the next paragraph Following body paragraphs have the same structure. Conclusion: Summary of the key points of the body; Restatement of your position. Writing and Revising the First Draft of an Essay on Technology This is typically the hardest part of working on your technology project and the trick is to take advantage of your outline, stick to your rough plans regarding the length of your paragraphs, and not be too fussy. You have read lots of sources and have lots of great ideas in your head so your task is to get them out on to a computer or to paper. You don’t have to pay attention to your grammar or spelling at this stage because you’ll need to do lots of revising and rewriting to make your technology essay perfect in content and style. You’ll correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes when you finish the final draft. A good idea is to create rough drafts for each paragraph in the body of your essay. Many students use this technique and for good reason. Writing a project of 1000 or more words may seem a complex task but it will seem easier if you break it down to writing 3 rough paragraphs of about 230-240 words each. Introduction You should begin your introductory paragraph with an attention grabber. It can be: a provocative question; impressive statistics; an inspiring story; a shocking fact; a quote etc. You should also provide background information that introduces your topic and presents your thesis statement – the main point of your technology essay. For example, if the topic of your technology essay is machine learning and its impact on society, your thesis statement can be like this: ‘Artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing our lives, having a profound impact on business and this impact is constantly growing in scope.’ To help your readers follow your argument, you can also outline the structure of your essay. Body Paragraphs In the body, you need to argue, explain or describe your topic. Your essay will consist of as many body paragraphs as the number of main ideas that you have outlined to present your argument. Keep in mind that each body paragraph should have the same basic structure. You have to begin every paragraph in the body of your essay with a topic sentence that actually presents one point to support your thesis statement. Next, you have to write some supporting ideas and give good examples to back your position. Make sure you link supporting ideas together and end each body paragraph with a concluding sentence providing a link to the next paragraph. You should use different transition words to connect ideas in your sentences and help your audience follow your argument, for example: however; on the other hand; in addition; specifically; considering (this); moreover; even more; instead. But before you use any transition word, make sure you completely understand its meaning and know exactly how it can be used to present the logic of your technology essay. Conclusion In the conclusion, you have to sum up your overall ideas and provide a final perspective on the topic of your essay. There is no need to make your concluding paragraph too long. You can write several strong sentences that review your key points and restate your thesis. When you finish your rough draft, you have to reread it several times to see what changes you might like to make. You may need to go back to your resources to find more evidence to support your ideas or even check your essay question again. You can make changes to present your paragraphs in a different order or even change your main argument. That’s why it’s important to start working on your technology essay as early as possible so that you could have enough time for revising and rewriting. Tips from Our Writers on Editing and Proofreading When you are satisfied with the content and the logic of your final draft, it’s time to edit and proofread it. You can use the following editing checklist. Make sure that you have completely answered all parts of the assignment question; Check your essay’s structure and make sure that it has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Check a structure within every paragraph; Does every paragraph have a topic sentence? Check transition words and transition sentences to ensure that each paragraph is linked; Check your introduction and conclusion; Make sure you have used all words correctly and improve your word choice if necessary. Improve the sentence structure as well; Fix grammar and spelling mistakes and check your commas; Check your references to ensure that they meet the requirements of a specific style (APA, MLA etc.)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Game of Thrones 8th season

Game of Thrones 8th season Game of Thrones: top questions and answers We have the excellent news for the fans of Games of Thrones. Our team has collected the most vital and exciting Game of Thrones questions, which everybody asked after watching the seventh season of this famous serial. Everyone agrees that it was the fantastic and magnificent season with many new characters, plot lines, intrigues, unexpected narrative closures, etc. However, although the 7th season was full of answers to the previous one, there also remained a lot of Game of Thrones questions about what would happen next. Many characters promised a lot, many situations are still unresolved, many enemies still exist, and the heroes are still looking for a happy end, struggling with misunderstanding and ignorance. Therefore, we have gathered top 10 Game of Thrones questions and answers, which the 8th season should reveal. Read on to know more about your favorite heroes and characters and find out about what will happen with their enemies. Although we are 100 percent sure that all have seen the 7th season, still we should warn you please, be careful with reading these Game of Thrones questions if you have not yet seen the 7th season. We will spoil some scenes and episodes.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

International Business in Emerging Markets Essay

International Business in Emerging Markets - Essay Example The managers need to be accountable for their tasks and undertakings since they have to find the middle ground between what is deemed as right and what cannot be termed as unacceptable on their part right from the very beginning, as far as the operational stance of the MNCs are concerned. The managers therefore have a big responsibility to take care of because they need to be accountable for all their actions and tasks, and without their proper input, it would be a difficult process to make sure that these MNCs remain proactively consistent within their respective working domains. This paper studies how managers have been able to showcase their own selves towards the mission and vision of the multinational companies and how the same has been drafted in the wake of the strategic shifts and organizational structures whilst dealing with the different governments and companies within the emerging market zones. The need is to define how the governments and the companies within the emergin g markets basically come in close association with one another. When one understands the due role of the MNCs doing their bit within the emerging countries, then only the liaised role of the governments and the companies can be deciphered in an easy going manner (Henisz, 2009). Otherwise there could be serious issues in the wake of such MNC operations spread in the underdeveloped countries and other emerging markets all around the world. The governments and the companies within such emerging markets are always finding one or the other reason to be assured that they are doing something worthwhile for the locals since these MNCs have vested interests, as is known within the relevant business circles. What is significant to note is the fact that these MNCs have to manifest their due role through proper guidance and coordination with the relevant publics so that there is no missing link within the prevalent scenarios which have come about. The MNCs need to recognize where they can go wr ong and what corrective steps, if any can be taken on their part from time to time. However, this does not mean that the governments and the companies under scrutiny within the emerging markets do not have any role: they are equally accountable for what kind of steps that they enact so that the MNCs do not find any difficulty in conducting their relevant business operations and go ahead with the changing business practices which are applicable all over the world. The MNCs therefore need to pinpoint where their managers have to play an active role and what the implications of these managers would be towards the end goals and objectives of the MNCs. If these managers know that they are doing something worthwhile for the sake of the organization, it will be manifested through the actions and behaviors of the managers but if the MNCs have not yet dictated policies and regulations to deal with the changes that keep on happening amongst different countries in terms of their governments an d other industrial settings, then this would mean that a lot of work needs to be done, and which should be accounted for within the relevant mix of things. However it is always a good starting point for

Friday, October 18, 2019

Content Management Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Content Management Systems - Essay Example Rather, users act as passive beneficiaries who receive the information on the web pages just as they have been stored. This means that given a number of users receiving information from a single server, all users will at any given time receive the same information. Even though the internet has today come to be a great transformation that depends on the principles of content management system in a dynamic way, Eldridge (2001) notes that the internet used to consist solely of HTML or static web pages, that is, web pages that are not changed before being displayed in a web browser. 2. How are CMS currently being used? Today, content management system is at the centre of the internet and controls almost all web site creation processes. Present internet experts and web creating experts depend on content management system to â€Å"lower the barriers to entry and make it much easier to launch a site, keep it updated and get more out of it† (Miller, 2012). This means that content mana gement system is currently being used to do away with impediments that made the accessibility to websites more difficult in times past. It is also being used to make the ownership and maintenance of websites more free flowing and easy. What is even better is that unlike the days when the internet was dominated with static pages, web hosts are able to update their web pages more quickly and promptly. It is not for nothing that today we have websites that are dedicated to giving live score of sports activities. 3. Types of CMS (include cost and size) Content management system comes in a number of types. Commonest among these that will be treated include enterprise and open source. Each of these comes in different size and different cost management that accompany them. a. Enterprise As the name implies, Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) works for established enterprises in managing their ill-structured and haphazard documents, content, records and facts. Enterprise content ma nagement system can therefore be described as an electronic organizational process for an organization. Because of the task involved, which entails getting the disorganized organized, enterprise content management system is often cost involving. Its size however depends on the size of the enterprise in question. Once duly delivered, enterprise will ensure integrity, protected security and elimination of all forms of bottlenecks in the organization’s operations. b. Open Source Open source allows for accessibility to already existing content management systems. This is not to say that it changes static pages to dynamic pages but then it enhances the function and work of dynamic pages by creating multi-functionality such as access to motion pictures. Because this is an optional component to web pages, it is mostly not costly to the user because he decides to use by choice. Open source however makes the webpage sizes bigger. 4. CMS Functionality Content management system function ality is combination of a number of integrated activities and processes that need to be carried out to make the functioning of any webpage complete and successful. In the absence of effective content management system functionality in place, it will be impossible to amass the total benefit of a website for business returns. Functionality therefore involves processes such as updating content from

Essay due in Asian Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Due in Asian Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art - Essay Example The Asian collection of Art works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art contains a large number of Art works from Asian countries. It is renowned for its collection of Chinese and Indian Art works displayed. Thesis statement: From the perspective of a viewer, discussion on the basic differences between Chinese and Indian art and analysis of a piece of art to unearth its history, the artist’s motives and expression. The Asian collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art includes a wide range of Art works from different cultures from Asia. The collection includes gifts from philanthropists who collected different types of Art works from different cultures in Asia. Besides, the collection covers the 4000 year history of Asian Art. Some important differences between the Chinese and Indian art objects which represent the Asian Art are mentioned below. The Chinese collection includes Calligraphy and painting which represent its rich tradition of Art. Carol Michaelson and Jane Portal opine that: â€Å"Chinese painting is quite different from brightly coloured Western oil painting† (Michaelson and Portal 8) the tradition of painting in China is entirely different from Western form of oil painting. Besides, the Art works represent the history of different dynasties that ruled over China for centuries. For instance, the work ‘Model of a watchtower’ represents the Eastern Han dynasty in ancient China. But the Indian collection is different from Chinese works. The difference from Chinese Art can be seen in the usage of colors, medium and theme. The favorite medium of Indian Artists includes paper and cloth. For instance, the work ‘Mahavira Sitting at the Top of the Universe: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript, 15th century’ is in paper. The favorite theme of Indian artists includes stories from sacred te xts. In addition, red is a dominant color in Indian Art works. But the favorite colors

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Internet Literacy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internet Literacy - Assignment Example There are various forms of plagiarism in academia. For instance, submitting somebody else’s work as original work is a form of plagiarism. Another aspect of plagiarism is using quotations and not citing the source (Espinel, 2011). This law tries to encourage creation of culture and art through rewarding artists and authors with a set of rights. The law grants artists and authors the exclusive right to create and sell their works. Due to petitions filed by many authors 1783, the law was passed to give them protection against infringement of their literary property. In many countries, the law basically protects the original works of authorship. The works are fixed in a tangible medium. The media includes artistic, musical, dramatic and other types of intellectual works. The law include musical, architectural, sound recording, pictorial and literary works (Espinel, 2011). During the Constitutional Convention held in 1787, Charles Pinckney of South Carolina and James Madison of Virginia submitted proposals for the granting of copy right for limited time. The proposals made by the two are the origin of the Copyright Clause found in the U.S Constitution (Espinel, 2011). A trademark is a word, symbol, design, name, or a combination of all. They are used in commerce in distinguishing goods of different manufacturers or sellers. They also indicate the sources of the goods. In history, blacksmiths who made swords in the Roman Empire are the ones who first used the trademarks. Today, different countries have passed laws to govern trademark. The laws require the registration of the

Human Resources & EEOC Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resources & EEOC - Research Paper Example Hence it is an integral part of the Human Resources Management in United States. It is headquartered in Washington DC (About EEOC, 2013). EEOC’s Vision is: â€Å"Justice and Equality in the Workplace† EEOC’s Mission is to: Stop and Remedy Unlawful Employment Discrimination (About EEOC, 2013) EEOC laws are applicable for almost all employers who have employee strength of minimum fifteen employees. In case of age discrimination, the firm should be of minimum twenty employees. EEOC laws also cover most employment agencies and labor unions. Hiring, firing, training, promotion, wages, benefits, harassment and all other work situations are covered by the EEOC laws. (About EEOC, 2013) The U.S. EEOC is a bipartisan Commission. The President appoints all of its five members. They are the Chair, Vice Chair and the three Commissioners (The Commission, 2013). The President also appoints EEOC's General Counsel (Strategic Plan for fiscal year 2012-2016, 2013). EEOC has a speci fic strategic plan and the three values that underlie the plan are: Commitment to Justice: The Commission has been entrusted by the Congress, with the duty of enforcing non-discrimination laws of employment for the nation. Accountability: EEOC is accountable to the nation, just like any other federal agency. Integrity: The Commission has to be objective in nature while investigating charges and adjudicating cases. Every person it serves or interacts with during work and every member of the EEOC workforce has to be respected and treated with good manners and professionalism. (Strategic Plan for fiscal year 2012-2016, 2013) Role of EEOC EEOC has the right to investigate any sort of discrimination charges against employers, duly covered by the EEOC law. Their investigation has to be fair and accurate in order to assess the allegations. If it is found that discrimination has taken place, EEOC will first try to settle the allegation. If they are unable to sort it out they have the right to file a lawsuit for the same. However, EEOC does not file lawsuits in every case of discrimination (About EEOC, 2013). EEOC also believes in â€Å"prevention is better than cure† that is, it tries to prevent discrimination through various awareness and technical assistance programs, before it occurs. Federal agencies are guided by EEOC on every aspect of equal employment opportunity program. Affirmative employment programs of federal agencies’ are being regularly monitored and evaluated by EEOC (About EEOC, 2013) The company distributes informative and educational materials and provides training, guidance and assistance to all stakeholders, including administrative judges who conduct EEOC lawsuits. (About EEOC, 2013) Laws Enforced by EEOC (listed in the sequence EEOC got authority): Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), as amended. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), as amended The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), as amended Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended - prohibits employment discrimination against federal employees and applicants with disabilities. Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended. The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2008 (GINA). (Strategic Plan

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Internet Literacy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internet Literacy - Assignment Example There are various forms of plagiarism in academia. For instance, submitting somebody else’s work as original work is a form of plagiarism. Another aspect of plagiarism is using quotations and not citing the source (Espinel, 2011). This law tries to encourage creation of culture and art through rewarding artists and authors with a set of rights. The law grants artists and authors the exclusive right to create and sell their works. Due to petitions filed by many authors 1783, the law was passed to give them protection against infringement of their literary property. In many countries, the law basically protects the original works of authorship. The works are fixed in a tangible medium. The media includes artistic, musical, dramatic and other types of intellectual works. The law include musical, architectural, sound recording, pictorial and literary works (Espinel, 2011). During the Constitutional Convention held in 1787, Charles Pinckney of South Carolina and James Madison of Virginia submitted proposals for the granting of copy right for limited time. The proposals made by the two are the origin of the Copyright Clause found in the U.S Constitution (Espinel, 2011). A trademark is a word, symbol, design, name, or a combination of all. They are used in commerce in distinguishing goods of different manufacturers or sellers. They also indicate the sources of the goods. In history, blacksmiths who made swords in the Roman Empire are the ones who first used the trademarks. Today, different countries have passed laws to govern trademark. The laws require the registration of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


EMMA LARKINS FINDING GEORGE ORWELL IN BURMA - Essay Example The army heightened a state of lawlessness that denied and extorted the people’s little resources to fulfil their political responsibility and unsustainable democracy in their society. The military government of Burma has showed similarities with the British colonial government in many ways for example it led to split of allegiances among different ethnic groups and also between the indigenous people of Burma (Larkin, 2011).  Also ethnic minorities were not allowed to acceses land, it also resulted to religious conflicts between the muslims, budhist, hindus and Christians in Burma. Their was aslo displacement of citizen both inside and outside Burma. Besides forced labour by the military has also been expirieced which has led to the human rights violation as well as explotaiton of the minority goups. Some of the tools used by post colonial government of Burma was one the tgroup identity where the minority were given the priority to manage local properties and istitutions. secondly rebellion rebellion was employed where the minority were rqruited into the police army surpressing the majority Burman. Thirdly the nationalist tool was used where the Burmese language and ethnicity was emphasized because of the cultural and religious diversity of Burman. The fear to loose power as suggested by Aug snag suu kyi led to all injustices of human right violation, ethnicity,forced labour and so on in Burman. Leaving Burma alone fear has been employed in many countries for example employees who advocate for their rights are threatened to be arrested hence they fear and step down.

A Digital Proof Write-up Essay Example for Free

A Digital Proof Write-up Essay The problem in A Digital Proof has two parts. The first is to fill in five boxes with numbers that fit the criteria: each box has a number, and the digit that is placed in each box must be the amount of times that number appears in the whole five digit number formed by the boxes. The second part of the problem is to prove that there is only one solution. How I went about solving this problem was somewhat simple; at least, it was at first. I started from the ‘four’ box (the fifth box, labeled with a four). I realized that four wouldn’t work in that box, because that would mean that there were four fours, and that wouldn’t work. I couldn’t put three in the box, either, because that would require there to be three fours, and that wouldn’t work out either. Two didn’t work for the same reasons as four and three, and even one wasn’t a possibility. This left me with one option: zero. One box down, four to go. Easy, right? That’s what I thought as I filled in the ‘three’ box, again with a zero for the same reasons that I’d put a zero in the ‘four’ box. Four wouldn’t work because that would require three to be in four boxes, and then that wouldn’t leave room for any other numbers. Again, this was the reason that three, two, and one didn’t work. For three, too, the only possibility was zero. Up until now, things had been fairly straightforward. Then, once I hit the ‘two’ box, things began to get more complicated. Here, I couldn’t put four or three because two of the boxes had already been filled, and I couldn’t change that. Then, I tried two. This could work, but only if there was a two elsewhere. I couldn’t put a two in the ‘one’ box, but I could put it in the zero box, because of the ‘four’ and ‘three’ boxes. Good thing I didn’t change those. That left me with the ‘one’ box. There was really only one option for that box, and that was putting a one in it. That was my process for solving the seemingly daunting, but surprisingly easy problem. I know that 21200 is the only solution to this problem, because after working it through logically, it becomes apparent that no other set of numbers would work in this problem. While I found the problem a lot less difficult than I had anticipated, that isn’t to say that it was an easy assignment. It really forced me to think, which was useful because a lot of the time I try to avoid things where I need to think too deeply. Doing this problem forces you to be disciplined and stick with the problem until it’s finished, and makes you actually think about the problem carefully, from every angle. I think that if I could change the problem, I would provide more of a guideline as to how to go about solving the problem, because I was completely stumped at the beginning. Even this, though, I’m not entirely sure about. I believe that having to figure out a way to go at this problem was beneficial to me, and helped me get into the right mindset to do the problem right. I wouldn’t really say that I enjoyed working on this problem, but it wasn’t horrendous like I’d been expecting it to be. And the problem was definitely hard. No t too hard, but not easy by any means. If I had to give myself a grade on this, I’d give myself an A- or B+. My process wasn’t the most unique or interesting, because I just went at it from back to front. I didn’t write anything particularly new or different in my write-up, but I did put effort in and I did manage to get the problem done, and provide sound reasoning to back up my claims. Overall, I think that this write-up is solid A- material

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysis of Nietzsches Concept of Genealogy

Analysis of Nietzsches Concept of Genealogy Introduction: Michel Foucault (October 1926-June 1984) was a French philosopher, historian, social theorist, philologist and literary critic. In 1945, Foucault travelled to Paris, where he enrolled himself in a prestigious secondary school, Lyciee-Henry-IV. Foucault adopted conviction of philosopher, Jean Hyppolite, an existentialist and expert in uniting existentialist theories with the reasoning theories of Hegel and Karl Marx, that philosophy must be developed through a study of history. Foucault desired to be a fellow member in College de Paris, where he became one, taking up the chair in the History of Systems of Thought. Foucault, in his late interview, called himself a Nietzschean. Which is well elucidated by the fact, that Foucaults genealogy of knowledge is direct inkling of Nietzsches genealogy of morality. In 2007 Foucault was listed as the most cited scholar in the humanities by The Times Higher Education Guide. [text courtesy Wikipedia] In this essay (Nietzsche, Genealogy, History) Foucault explores genealogy through Nietzsche, and exposit on his own profound understanding of the genealogical method. Genealogy is precise conscientious attention to details, and a patiently documentation. Basically, Genealogy is boring. If the analysis is not just based on paperwork, observations and interview transcripts can be added, which mix a manifold of different context in a confusing order. These perplexed documents, observations and interview transcripts need to be ordered in time and space. That is, the pieces must be ordered in regard to almanac, context and actors. A major task, since genealogy also requires a major accretion of source material. Therefore, genealogy is boring unless one likes the vapid work of going through every single page to page, piece by piece in order to place them in the right almanac and context. It is also very time-consuming and a vex mental burden, tiresome since the genealogist from time to time feels that he is not getting anywhere. But genealogy is, at the same time, exciting. It gives a great overall overview and touch with the material and is thus an exc iting material and detailed different to the abstractions the unitary sciences have produced so many of. Often, it is experienced that the absolute ordering of pieces in time and space gives a totally different view of the process than expected. Much of the material does speak for itself, Really! Often, it is proclaimed how beautiful words turn out to be less beautiful in the true, real world. Thus, with its painstaking procedures, genealogy to some extent avoids chicanery. In itself, this is a z great reason for doing it. Further, Foucault argues about the monotonous finality this is really what it is all about. Events must be recorded individually of any unifying and thereby systematizing theory. Events are what they are, and nothing else. It can also have represented in a manner that the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦monotonous finality is basically rewriting of what Nietzsche called monumental history. He theorizes that the monumental history as a construct that represents the great moments in the struggle of a human individual which constitute a chain which unites the mankind across the millennial like a range of human mountains pinnacle. Foucault writes that genealogy does not obstruct itself to history, but rather opposes itself to a search for origins, and rejects the metahistorical deployment of ideal significations and indefinite teleologys As a genealogist, Nietzsche opposed the pursuit of the genesis (Ursprung) because it relies on a metaphysical faith in purest plausibilitys () the existence of immobile forms that precede the external world of mishap and succession. () the image of a primordial truth fully adequate to its nature, and it necessitates the removal of every mask to ultimately disclose an original identity. We erroneously attribute the originwith a moment of greatest infallible, the first morning that precedes the Fall in our merely human hands; the search for origin plays out our own want for a divine birth. However, historical beginnings are lowly. Absconding metaphysics and turning to history, Foucault suggests that one discovers not a timeless and essential dern, but the secret that they have no essence or that their essence was fabricated in a piecemeal fashion from alien forms. Genealogy is anti-essentialist and disinterested in metaphysical origins: What is found at the historical commencement of t hings is not the inviolable identity of their genesis; it is the dissension of other things. It is disparity. Most problematic, the origin makes plausible a field of knowledge whose function is to recover it, but always in a spurious recognition due to the excesses of its own speech. The origin believes itself to be the site of inescapable loss, a moment when the truth of the object corresponded to the truth of its discourse. History, rather, constrain a reversal of this relationship and the oversight of adolescent quests: behind the always recent, avaricious, and measured fidelity, it posits the ancient escalation of errors. Truth, then, is an error. The genealogist needs history to dispel the chimeras of the genesis. Here Foucault suggests that the genealogist must be able to recognize the events of history (even the ones we wish to clandestine) as well as diagnose the illness of the body, its vincibility, fortitude, and breakdowns, since history is the body of a development. Herkunft- Descent Herkunft is translated as descent and it confine that phenomena like truth, group, and even individuals are not to be thought of as unified phenomena. Instead of that, it allows the sorting out of different attributes that contributed to the phenomena. An examination will focus on the profusion of events which made their contribution to descent. In this sense, genealogy is aimed at fragmenting what was thought unified and unmovable. It will unveil the heterogeneity behind Herkunft. This constitutes the very first task of the genealogist. The sorting out of the different attributes/traits which have had any significance. The criterion for determining what is significant is in principle straightforward. It is determined by the empirical phenomenon that is investigated and the material that is collected about it. What is said in the interviews or in other connections, what is recorded on paper or what can be observed. In short, the artifacts determine what is significant, not the researcher. This is a good principle, even if it cannot be carried out completely. Of course the researcher makes a difference but this does not mean that he cannot give the artifacts a big room to speak for themselves. Entstehung- Emergence Entstehung is translated into Emergence- the instant of arising, but we are not looking for a particular point in history where a given reasonability, which from then has controlled everything is established. It is more tactical. It designates the endeavor of particular forces in particular points in time. The analysis of the Entstehung must demarcate this interaction. Enstehung is the access of forces. Often, but not necessarily, only engraved in the peripheral areas of the material. In Foucaults word it is the leap from the wings to the center stage. The Entstehung denominate the place where different systems of power/knowledge meet face-to-face. Not necessarily with a big bang but yes. The confrontation can be much humbler and seem trivial at a first skim. Further, the power/knowledge systems are not necessarily equal. Often the places of the Entstehung are not manifested vividly in the material. This relates to the gnarled or tricky part of revealing marginalized knowledge. The Entstehung provides a seldom opportunity where some of the marginalized voices are not quiescent, which is one of the main reasons that the analysis of the Entstehung is highly important. Genealogy vs. Traditional History In the fifth section, Foucault abridged the methodological differences between a history based in geneaology (a Nietzschian history) and a traditional history, or the historians history. For Foucault, these differences remain in the sensibility the historian/genealogist takes toward the work. The historians history implicit a metaphysical continuity between past and present, a suprahistorical perspective that seeks to reconcile disparity through apocalyptic objectivity. The traditional historian keeps their body outside of history and relies on a myriad of distances and heights: the noblest periods, the highest forms [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] adopting the famous perspective of frogs. Genealogical history, however, is an effective history (a history of effects?), dispossess itself of the affirmation of progress and genesis, as genealogy is the examination of both Herkunft (Descent) and Entstehung(Emergence). It deprives the self of the bolstering or reassuring the stability of life and nature , and it will not permit itself to be transported by a voiceless intractability toward a millennial ending. This is because knowledge is not made for understanding; it is made for cutting. This manner of history studies those things nearest it-the body and all imminent-and demands consciousness of its own perspective: it has no dread of looking down, so as long as it understands that it looks from above. It doesnt seek to recount the birth of truth and values in the service of philosophy, but operates as a differential knowledge of energies and failings [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] a curative science. It concurs knowledge as perspective-and as with any case of perspective, where one stands are the most relevant and important point. Note on the Author Genealogy is shrewd and interpretive. It does not presume to be naive. The  author must try to define his stand in regard to subject of analysis. Where is he, the author, talking from? Genealogy is a very much demanding approach. This augments the obligation of the author to describe as clearly as plausible his own stand/position in the game.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Views on War in Vonneguts Slaughter House Five Essay -- Slaughter Hou

Views on War in Vonnegut's Slaughter House Five    Many people returned from World War II with disturbing images forever stuck in their heads. Others returned and went crazy due to the many hardships and terrors faced. The protagonist in Slaughter-House Five, Billy Pilgrim, has to deal with some of these things along with many other complications in his life. Slaughter House Five (1968), by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., is an anti-war novel about a man’s life before, after and during the time he spent fighting in World War II. While Billy is trying to escape from behind enemy lines, he is captured and imprisoned in a German slaughterhouse. The author tells of Billy’s terrible experiences there. After the war, Billy marries and goes to school to become an optometrist. During his schooling, he is put in a mental institution. As it is later explained in the novel, Billy was abducted by aliens and lived on their planet in their zoo for a period of time. Throughout this novel, Billy’s life doesn’t occur in a series of ev ents. He also doesn’t have flashbacks of certain points in his life. Instead, he lives his life through time travel. His life jumps from many points in time including his experiences in the war, before the war, after the war and also on the planet of Tralfamadore. Throughout this novel, Billy Pilgrim’s and other humans’ views on war are simple: in essence, it’s one of the most destructive things that there is, but to the aliens on the planet of Tralfamadore, war is unimportant in the long run and should not be dwelled on.    By opening the cover of this novel, one might notice the subtitle. Underneath the title, Slaughter-House Five, reads the subtitle: The Children’s Crusade A Duty-Dance with Death. Without even reading the ... ...his novel believe war to be the most disgusting and most distructful thing in the universe, the Tralfamadorians enlighten one human on their thoughts of war. They don’t feel Billy should put as much time as he does into dwelling on something like war that is inevitable. They ignore it and rate it relatively low on a scale of importance. From World War II, Billy is left with many vivid memories that he would rather not have. He has first handedly seen what he thinks is the most evil thing in the universe. He is frequently haunted by images of his experiences. But maybe if he would just tell himself that there is nothing he can do about war, maybe if he just looked the other way and ignored it, maybe then he would be happy and in a state of peace like the Tralfamadorians. Work Cited    Vonnegut, Kurt. SlaughterHouse Five. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1980

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Movie: Delta Force - Suicide In Chinatown :: essays research papers

Movie: Delta Force - Suicide in Chinatown There was a normal afternoon in Chinatown. Everybody was really interested in Silvester Stalone's new action movie that was being played for the first time this weekend.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Delta Force was the movie. Stalone was acting as a very famous cop. He became popular because one year before he killed all a group of terrorists that was planning to put a bomb in the Empire State Building. Now he is fighting against some bank robbers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The critics and also the public were complaining about the violence that the film shows. The critics said that too much blood and fights would incite a bad behavior from the public.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Because of all these complaints the public opinion was discussing the possibility of cut of some parts of the movie or even stop playing it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the 8:00pm movie session, one fact worked to decide quickly the situation...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were many couples in the movie theater and during one of the most violent part of the film, a couple stood up and pulled out two gun machines that were in a suitcase.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They were, apparently, a normal couple. The blond man using beard was wearing sport clothes. He was carrying a medium black and white suitcase, from where they pulled the gun. The woman was also young, may be working to 20 or 22 years old. She was wearing shorts and a red shirt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  She was the most nervous and she was the one who ordered everybody to line on the floor and picked the guys as hostages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When they ordered the hostages to line on the floor, one girl escaped from the place and called the police. The couple didn't ask for anything special. They just began to scream saying that they had the power and wanted the public attention.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Five minutes after the girl escape from the cinema, the police arrived. There were more than fifteen police cars around the cinema, nobody could escape. The sergeant got out of the car and began to negotiate with the couple, trying to release the hostages safely. The sergeant asked how could he finish the situation and the couple asked for a TV team to record something very important to them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The sergeant permitted the CNN team to go into the movie theater but, for doing it, he asked the couple to release the half part of the hostages that were there.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The guy accepted and when the CNN team went into the cinema he released seventy-five people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the CNN group began to record the place, the couple put their weapons on their own head and shot themselves.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Culture of New Zealand

British and European Custom interwoven with Maori and Polynesian tradition. Maori tradition dominated the beginning of human existence in New Zealand and has stayed around even as the culture modernized. Maori established separate tribes, hunted and fished, traded commodities, developed agriculture, arts and weaponry, and kept a detailed oral history. Regular European contact began approximately 200 years ago, and British immigration proceeded rapidly during the nineteenth century. Colonists affected the Maori tradition by introducing religion, technology, and the English language. European New Zealander’s, despite being far from Europe, kept strong ties to the â€Å"mother land. † These ties were weakened by the demise of the British empire and their loss of special access to British meat and dairy markets. More recently, New Zealand culture has been broadened by globalization and immigration from the Pacific Islands, East Asia, and South Asia. European and Maori remain the two largest ethnicities Maori and Kiwi: Language has evolved to two major languages, Maori and English. The two have influenced each other Maori demeanor: Maori are friendly and place great value on hospitality They are easy to get to know and will say hello to strangers. They often break into speech or song and even if they don’t know each other they may close conversations with a song. Maori will know the same songs so they are able to sing together even if they just met. New Zealand’s indigenous people (Maori) have tattoos covering their face. This art stands for warriors. Some New Zealanders are still representing these tattoos today. Kiwi demeanor: . New Zealanders are friendly, outgoing, somewhat reserved initially yet polite, and enjoy extending hospitality. . They are quite easy to get to know as they say hello to strangers and will offer assistance without being asked. . Because they do not stand on ceremony and are egalitarian, they move to a first name basis quickly and shun the use of titles. Kiwis dress casual. There are no dress codes in restaurants. Even business men may take off suit jackets and roll up shirt sleeves. Modern New Zealanders live very casually and laid-back. Environmentalism: Kiwis are extremely concerned with the environment and keeping their counties beauty. One of the major local issues is importing of predators. Boarder controls are very tight and there are huge fines for importing food or other natural products such as wood, cane, etc. The local attitude about the environment comes from the indigenous people, the Maori. . They believe that all things have a ‘mauri' – a life force. Damage to this life force, or human attempts to dominate it, result in the mauri losing its energy and vitality, which affects the lives of people as well as the resilience of ecosystems. . Maintaining the mauri of the environment and ecosystem resilience are equally important for sustainable development Egalitarianism: New Zealand has no formal class system. They take pride in individual achievement and wealth and pow er are not extremely important. As a ‘welfare state’ unemployment and health benefits are available to those who cannot afford it. New Zealanders believe that everyone is equal regardless of race or social status. Etiquette: Traditional Maori greetings consist of a handshake and they often touch their faces to each other. Kiwi meetings are casual and move quickly to first names. Greetings consist of a handshake and a smile New Zealanders can be somewhat reserved with people they do not know. Rugby is the largest sport in New Zealand. The Kiwi (New Zealanders) are very competitive when it comes to rugby. The All Blacks are a favorite Rugby team. The all blacks have won 75% of games since 1903.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Stress and Coping

The psychosocial theory of stress and coping is of the utmost importance to patient care and recovery. It has been found that among other things, stress can affect the rate of wound healing, susceptibility to infectious diseases, and the development and progression of cancer (Walker et al, 2007). The nurse plays an integral role in the management and alleviation of patients’ stress, and can provide valuable mechanisms to aid in the process of coping with the stressor. Stress is a concept, not a fact, and is best described by using a theoretical model (Walker et al, 2007). One of these models is the Lazarus and Folkman’s transactional model of stress and coping. It suggests that stress can be reduced by interventions that make the person think differently about the stressor, or that a person’s perception of their ability to cope with the stressor can be changed (Glanze et al, 2008). In the text to follow, it will demonstrate how nursing care has benefited from the application of this theoretical model, and how particular nursing care interventions can help change patients’ perspective of certain stressors, and their ability to cope with the stressor. The entire family, not just the patient experiences the stresses associated with a family member being hospitalized (Lewis et al, 1989). By involving the family in a patient’s care regime it can change the person’s perspective of their ability to cope, by providing a support network, and can help alleviate not only the patient’s stress, but the stress of the family too. The nurse needs to understand what family means to the patient. It might not be traditional, for example related by blood, or married. Patient care should be planned with the family in mind, and families should be made aware of what the care plan is. This way they are better equipped to support the patient (Lewis et al, 1989).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Personal Development and Careers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Personal Development and Careers - Essay Example This relates to the first quote specifically by showing that there are a variety of processes which can be used for learning and which lead to changed behaviors. The style and process which is created is based on how one responds to a given situation as well as how this is associated with the learning which they have. The theory by Kolb then creates a psychometric analysis of how one can learn and change behaviors according to the learning style (Ciantis, 1996). When relating this statement to my personal learning style, I can also see the relevance which takes place. The experiences which I have constitutes most of my behaviors and reactions in given situations. For instance, a past job which I had was filled with high pressures, the need to respond to customers in a given manner and continuous ways in which the managers looked at employees to get high – end results. While this particular job was difficult, there was a specific thought process and emotional response which I c arried. The thought process was based on my understanding of the regulations while continuously trying to match them. The emotional responses came from the customers which I was working with and the associations which they had to the regulations that were followed. This instantly changed my behaviors, specifically in given situations. After a certain period of time, these behaviors and patterns were associated with other jobs, relationships with friends and expectations in society, specifically because there was an understanding that these regulations could help to solve problems and achieve compromises in given situations. This not only came from the basic learning and expectations of regulations, but also a... This paper approves that change management is another aspect which relates to changing employee attitudes and the approach which is used within the work space. Without the right attitude, the organization will not be able to go through necessary changes which occur. It is known that the environment is dynamic meaning new trends in society will continuously pressure a business to change. More important, the life cycle of products in a business and the approach to working in the business is also dynamic. The attitude which is necessary with this is to continue to adjust to the alterations which are in the work environment while understanding that the concept of change is required in the work place. This leads to the inability to transform the work environment while hindering the organization because of employee attitudes. This essay makes a conclusion that the specific approach taken with a given environment is based on finding problems, recording the difficulties and in changing the gaps that are within a given area. By doing this, there is the ability to create a more diverse response while approaching specific needs that are a part of the organizational environment. More important, this will help individuals and team members to have less resistance to change while continuing to implement communication methods that help to lessen gaps and to change the organizational environment. The use of communication in the right manner then becomes the main area of importance in assisting with the building of a company from a managerial level.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

People Resourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

People Resourcing - Essay Example Ensuring better employee relations is as important in public sector companies as for any other organisation. However, it is generally observed that most employees in the public sector organisations suffer from stress (Health and Safety Executive, 2002). Mersytravel is the operating name for Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive; which oversees the provision of public transport on Merseyside. It was initially observed that the employee morale was low and they used to get tensed. The company identified that as per Frederick Herzberg two factor hygiene and motivation theory, some factors like job security, salary, and status etc., that are the provided by public sector organisations do not motivate employees and don not contribute in ensuring employee well being. Instead, if these factors are not present, this may lead to employee dissatisfaction. In contrast, as per the theory, employees will feel motivated if they are provided growth and advancement opportunities, and are recognised for their achievements (Accel Team, 2006). In order to improve employees' morale and to enhance employees' knowledge, the company established a learning and development strategy in consultation with its employees in 2003. A scheme called Merseylearn was developed that focuses on providing learning and development opportunities for hard to reach learners such as shift workers. They can use this system 24 hours a day to develop their skill sets. This has also enabled the staff to undertake courses at home (Investors in People, 2006). A wide range of other learning and development programmes have also been developed that have helped staff to undertake language and literacy training within workplace. The company gained myriad of benefits from this approach. Employees' turn over rate has sharply declined; sickness days, which were quite high previously, dropped by an average 3 days between 2003 and 2006; staff promotions have increased by 10% as a result of training programmes; staff participation in work related participation schemes has also risen by 50% per cent (Investors in People, 2006). This steady increase in employees' productivity indicate that the training programmes add to the employee well being by improving employees' skills, knowledge and behavior towards

Monday, October 7, 2019

Financial Statement Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Financial Statement Analysis - Assignment Example Apart from the management potential investors or creditors also benefit from analyzing financial statements as this provides them with the necessary information as to whether a company will be able to pay back the money they have invested or loaned with an appropriate return on their investment. There are various types of ratios such as Liquidity, Asset turn over, Leverage, Operating performance / Profitability and Business Ratios. Using these ratios business owners and leaders can benefit greatly as they provide insight as to whether a company has sufficient resources to meet its short term financial liabilities, is the company using its resources in an efficient manner, how much debt it has incurred to date as compared to its net worth, is the company utilizing its resources in an efficient manner so as to generate profits and increase shareholder value and what is the status of its stock price. In short these ratios can assist business owners and leaders in making more accurate and financially beneficial decisions especially when there is a lot at

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Biology - Plant Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biology - Plant Diversity - Essay Example The most important of all radiations for land plants occurred in the early Devonian period. This was when the first rhyniophytes appeared in the fossil record and made this fossil discovery very important for paleobotany. They had some distinguishing features such as their reproductive structures which contributed to their success. Some important species that dominated their eco-system included anthropods and sporopytes and gametophytes. 2. Describe and discuss the third land flora (the â€Å"Gymnosperm Flora†) that evolved on Earth. Your answer should include the following: †¢ references to geologic time of origin and/or decline, †¢ factors that may have influenced its distribution, success and/or decline, †¢ names and brief descriptions of the most important plants that dominated this flora. Gymnosperm flora Gymnosperms are known as primitive seed plants. Their evolutionary history is long. Gymnosperms appeared in the Paleozoic and then soon became the most do minant plants world over in the Mesozoic and Caenozoic periods. They were also seen in the Tertiary Period, survived the Glacial period and have multiplied till date. While gymnosperms are only 0.36% of angiosperms, they are seen in vast areas in coniferous forests and are widely distributed world over. They are found in great abundance in China in particular. Their leaves are needlelike and evergreen. They can produce cones. A very important feature of gymnosperms is that their female sex germs reside in the ovules as in regular flowers. However the ovules are not enclosed inside the flower’s ovaries as is found in most flowering plants. It should be noted though that gymnosperms don’t produce fruits. In the biological terms, fruits are produced from maturing flower ovaries where the seeds develop in the ovules inside the ovaries. They are found in vast quantities in coniferous forests which have straight tree trunks and high timber yield of gymnosperm plants. Thuja s utchuenensis, an important specie of gymnosperm is extinct. Cycas revoluta, C. taiwaniana and C. szechuanensis, three other species of the plant are now the only cultivated plants. Some other species are as following: Cycas multipinnata, Keteleeria pubescens, K. oblonga, K. hainanensis, Abies beshanzuensis, A. yuanbaoshanensis, Picea likiangensis var. montigena, P. neoveitchii, Larix chinensis, Pseudotsuga brevifolia, Pinus squamata, Cephalotaxus lanceolata, Amentotaxus formosana and A. yunnanensis. (Cummings) Most of the aforementioned species are critically endangered and nowhere to be found today. 3. Describe and discuss the fourth land flora (the â€Å"Angiosperm Flora†) that evolved on Earth. Your answer should include the following: †¢ references to geologic time of origin, †¢ factors that may have influenced its distribution and success, (Hint: pollination and seed dispersal mechanisms, including convolution of the animal groups often involved in these mechan isms, should be a prominent feature of your answer.) †¢ Names and brief descriptions of some of the most important types of plants that dominate this flora. The evolution of angiosperms is a matter of great mystery to date. There are a lot of issues concerning their evolution today. There are speculations regarding their time of origin, the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Tin Drum Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Tin Drum - Term Paper Example This shows Alfred a Nazi character, but it also shows that he is weak, under the influence of his wife, and not an absolutely fanatical Nazi. Hitler and Beethoven represent the cultural tensions in the family which in turn result in the young Oskar’s somewhat confused understanding of the power struggles that are going on. Oskar describes Alfred’s fondness for the visual image that the Nazi uniform presents, but the description also shows how uncomfortable it was to wear, since the strap of the cap â€Å"scraped his chin† (p. 116) and he had to get wet in the rain because he refused to use an umbrella. (p. 116) Alfred goes out to Sunday demonstrations but apart from that, there is very little change in his activities, since he still cooks, and washes up in the home as he did before. Section b. As far as we can tell from Oskar’s rather biased narrative, Alfred did not really have much of a career as a Nazi Party member. Oskar describes his motivation for jo ining the party as a natural tendency to conform to his surroundings: â€Å"he always had to wave when other people were waving, to shout, laugh and clap when other people were shouting, laughing and clapping.† (p. 152) His membership is described as â€Å"quite unnecessary, brought no benefits, and just wasted his Sunday mornings† (p. 152) and so it is obvious that Oskar trivializes and mocks Alfred’s status there. Even when Oskar mentions Alfred’s promotion, he does it in an off-hand manner: â€Å" Like all unusual happenings, his promotion was the occasion for a family skat game.† (p. 115) This is echoed later in connection with a drinking session when Alfred is grieving over the death of Agnes beneath the portrait of the Fuhrer: â€Å"the teetotaling Fuhrer was silent, because Matzerath, a drunken little unit leader, was unworthy of Providence† (p. 185). These disparaging comments show that Matzerath filled a very low rank and was of ver y little importance in the Nazi regime. Section c. The Nazi rally on a summer day in 1935 was a planned set piece which was intended to whip up support from the faithful. The way that Oskar describes it, however, subverts the intentions of the stage and the rows of flag bearing people. It is set up so that people go to a rostrum to look up in awe at the spectacle before them. Everything is regimented in straight lines, and yet the advice of Mr Bebra urges Oscar to be aware of the hidden mechanisms of power that operates during these rallies: â€Å"Always take care to be sitting on the rostrum and never to be standing out in front of it.† (p. 114) Oskar views the rostrum from behind it, which shows the mechanisms which orchestrate the event, or from underneath, where he can disrupt it without being seen. Dramatic displays like â€Å"torchlight processions and parades past rostrums† (p. 115) may look impressive from the perspective of a spectator, but the depiction in Th e Tin Drum suggests that the whole thing is a sham, and that it is better either to be fully in favour of it, and on the rostrum, or to utterly oppose it. Going with the flow, like Matzerath, is seen to be the worst option. Section d. There is a lot of symbolism in Oskar’s account of the death of Alfred Matzerath. Clearly the party membership pin that

Friday, October 4, 2019

Milk and Ice Cream Products Essay Example for Free

Milk and Ice Cream Products Essay Ice-Fili was originated in a Soviet government established company in 1937 and privatised in 1992. Briefly its business areas are purchase raw materials from abroad, manufacturing ice creams, and distribution them through subsidiary distributors for domestic markets. In 2001 Ice-Filis equity amounted to $10,638,000, and with its least liabilities total equity and liabilities was $11,832,000. Over half of the total assets was working capital of $6,338,000. Total sales was $25,147,000, net income was $1,702,000, consequently ROA was 14. 4% and ROE was 16. 0% (see Exhibit 7). Financially Ice-Fili helps itself on business. For the most essential raw material to the ice cream taste, Ice-Fili only uses higher percentages of milk fat of high quality as well as high price imported from abroad, which makes difference Ice-Fili from foreign producers. Cost of ingredients forms as much as 42% of manufacturers price. Ice-Fili invented for modernization of manufacturing equipments which were imported until the 1960s. Total expenses of equipment, maintenance and advertising share only 17% of manufacturers price, but Ice-Fili must pursue up-to-date technology as well as equipment from abroad. Traditionally Ice-Fili had not participated in distribution activities. Ice-Fili contracted with companies such as Eskimo-Fili for kiosks, Service-Fili for minimarts, gastronoms and restaurants, Alter-West for gastronoms, restaurants, supermarkets. Costs of retailers and distributors reach 52% of retail prices (the rest of 48% is manufacturers price), but exposures of Ice-Filis products to customers is behind those of foreign competitor Nestl? Ice-Filis daily production capacity is 200tons and number of ice cream products is 170, in which exceed those of domestic and foreign competitors. However the Swiss food giant Nestl? invades in Russian ice cream markets with its long-term investment and frequent exposure of TV advertising. The boundaries of the business area of Ice-Fili are not defined by its self-helping financial status and uniqueness of raw materials, manufacturing equipment and distribution channel, but also business dispute in the share with Nestl?

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Why did the struggle to end apartheid in South Africa take so long?

Why did the struggle to end apartheid in South Africa take so long? Why did the struggle to end apartheid in South Africa take so long? The struggle to end apartheid in South Africa appears, at the dawn of the twenty first century, to be an aberration of social and world history. Viewed within the context of the pervasive civil rights movement in North America and the abolition of slavery (first in Britain at the beginning of the nineteenth century and followed by America after the Civil War in 1865), apartheid seems like a medieval notion that was imprinted upon modern history; an anachronistic nightmare imposed on civilised society. In a world that had banished National Socialism and seen the back of Stalin, the Immorality Amendment Act (1961) remained a legal statute in South Africa until 1985, making sexual relations between whites and non‑whites an unlawful act under apartheid. Yet the very singularity of apartheid remained a key reason for its longevity: for as long as South Africa could be isolated and swept under the international diplomatic rug the rest of the free world could comfort itself in its li beral attitude to race relations while leaving the citizens of South Africa to play the role of international pariahs. However, as Barber ascertains, â€Å"although western governments continued to criticise apartheid, their criticism was often drowned out by accusations of their hypocrisy.† For the purposes of this study, analysis will take a chronological form, tracking the genesis of apartheid as a political creed to understand how it became a part of the South African way of life. In this way it will be shown how apartheid took so long to be rooted out of the national culture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The greatest mistake for historians today is to view South Africa from a solely British colonial perspective. It is important to understand that the country had a long and rich social history before the arrival of the British. It was a legacy tainted with taut race relations between the indigenous African tribes and the first settlers, the Boers. Indeed, before the arguments pertaining to apartheid were ever voiced, the British and Boers fought a long war of attrition (1899‑1902) to determine which nation should govern the land that was rich in minerals and therefore important in an economic and strategic sense. Conflict is thus at the heart of the history of South Africa. Like Northern Ireland one should not dismiss the effects of repetitive differences of opinion whereby war and aggravation can become deep rooted within the culture.   Ã‚   The eventual British victory in the Boer War sewed the seeds of the resentment that would ultimately harvest apartheid (apartness). Boers, or Afrikaners as they were known within their own ranks, felt like aliens in their home land, made to speak a foreign language and pay allegiance to a detested foreign power. During the first three decades of the twentieth century Afrikaners felt more alienated than ever with a large wage and lifestyle discrepancy between the English‑speaking South Africans and the Afrikaners. By the end of the Second World War, the Afrikaners were an ethnic group on the verge of revolting. Therefore, when the alliance between the National Party and the Afrikaner Party bore fruit in the way of a unified South African national election victory in May 1948 the result was a reversal back to political ideals that were envisaged in the pre‑British days of the nineteenth century – apartheid being one of several popular ultra‑conservative slog ans used during the preceding electoral campaign. The day after the victory, party leader, Malan declared: â€Å"Today South Africa belongs to us once more. South Africa is our own for the first time since Union, and may God grant that it will always remain our own.† With such a resentful and dislocated background, apartheid was introduced as a means to perpetuate white rule. As a social and political philosophy, it was a backlash against modernity – specifically against the civil rights movement. Traditionally, prejudice thrives on routine and wilts in the face of modernity and the speed with which the North American people vented their disgust at segregation in the Deep South shocked the white leaders of South Africa, not only for the ferocity of the rage against the state but also for the composition of the dissenters, many white, middle‑class and well‑educated. Yet there were distinct and fundamental differences between the South African national experience and that of the USA. Although both America and South Africa were initially colonial countries, the influx of immigrants to the USA was markedly different to the migration of people to South Africa. As New York took over from London as the financial capital of the West after 1918, South Africa remained a predominantly agricultural country. The relevance of this in terms of the perpetuation of apartheid is that while one nation became a melting pot of differing ideologies, religions, races and creeds, the other became entrenched in a formulaic white‑black divide with a history of Afrikaner and British land‑holders dictating policy to a black populace. Apartheid should be viewed as part of a broader policy of deconstruction taking place in post‑war South Africa, all facets tied to the dual desire to keep power from black people as well as moving away from the disapproving gaze of the West. The removal of both the British National Anthem and the Union Jack as cultural symbol (1957), the replacement of UK currency (1961) as well as the referendum (1960) and subsequent formulation of the republic (1961) highlighted the uniquely South African experience, which was designed as a means to create white unity and loyalty to South Africa alone. In this sense, apartheid was strongly tied to Afrikaner nationalism, making it a movement beyond the comprehension and control of the former British colonial masters. â€Å"While there was very little difference between Afrikaners and English‑speakers in their support for white supremacy, residential segregation and migrant labour, English opinion‑formers constantly tried to distance themselves as much as possible from the racial politics of Afrikaner parties. They found the crude expression of racism distasteful and resented being shut out from power.† Political apartheid in South Africa was so durable because it was built upon a well‑founded ideological structure that curbed black influence in all corners of society. Apartheid can be viewed as a pyramid. The first building block was the political obstacles put in the way of black participation in administrative affairs leaving politics to be a whites’ only domain. The National Party next used enforced separation of existing physical communities to perpetuate their rule, followed by the segregation of education and the labour market (black workers were not officially permitted to form trade unions). Not only did the National Party separate black and white communities but they also restricted movement within the country in the same way that Jews were not permitted to travel within Nazi Germany. The formation of the Bantustans (black ‘homelands’) meant that blacks were put out of sight of the white minority rulers giving rise to two completely separate soci o‑economic groups within one sovereign nation. The sum of these measures was to make a law of a loose body of segregation and prejudice methods of divide and rule that were already in place before 1945, making apartheid the most extreme version of institutionalised racism anywhere the industrialised world. â€Å"Segregation doctrine was supplanted by the more dangerous notion ‘separate development.’ This involved the idea that Africans and others should reside, and enjoy citizenship rights, in distinct ethnic homelands. Whereas White supremacy and segregation had involved an explicit racial hierarchy in legislative and political practice, the NP from 1961 was committed to formal equality between groups understood in ethnic terms.† It is a key point to make in terms of comprehending the durability of apartheid. While segregation alone would have ensured white supremacy for a generation, the complete stagnation of educational or vocational opportunity for blacks meant that they were, over successive generations, unable to wrest power from Afrikaner hands. Moreover, the notion of two ideals of citizenship in one country gave the blacks the illusion of self ­ rule even though, in reality, their human rights were worth next to nothing under apartheid.  Ã‚   Of all the installations of prejudice utilised by the National Party to ensure the penetration of apartheid, the restriction of physical movement proved to be the greatest obstacle to long term change. Throughout history, all of the momentous instigators of social change heralded from industrial cities where like‑minded individuals could disseminate information to one another and could meet in secret underground. Paris, Boston and St.  Petersburg are all examples of the role of the modern city as conduit through which progressive ideas might puncture throughout society so as to induce cultural change. In 1948 there were two million blacks located in South African cities compared to six million in the countryside and the great majority of these lived in slums. With the arrival of the Bantustans, the blacks were further constrained in terms of being able to form a coherent opposition to apartheid along the lines of the Black Panther Party in the USA or the NICRA in Northern Ir eland. Clearly, the lack of intellectual, philosophical and political discourse within South African urban centres meant that apartheid was more difficult to dislodge from within than was the case in, for example, French Algeria, South Africa’s closest continental equivalent.    If the period 1945‑1961 is seen as the foundation of apartheid in South Africa, then the years 1961‑1980 should be viewed as the era of ‘high apartheid’, where the NP regime fought against modernity and international opinion to maintain a political system that was at odds with the rest of western civilisation. Acts of state‑sponsored atrocity such as the Soweto Massacre (1976) shocked the world and divided international opinion. In 1966, at the heyday of apartheid during the final year of Verwoerd’s term in office, 1.5 million blacks were kept in reserve who would otherwise have become urbanised and, potentially, radicalised. Yet it should be understood that the international community was compliant in the continuation of apartheid during this time. It has been shown that the blacks within South Africa were powerless to form opposition to apartheid from within. Hope therefore rested with the outside world.    â€Å"Enforcing apartheid required not only a range of oppressive methods domestically: intimidation, abandonment of the rule of law, torture, outright terror including assassination – all these were commonplace in South Africa. But the tentacles of the police state also spread abroad, often assisted by Western intelligence services in ways which infected and compromised the democratic politics of these countries. From the late 1960’s onwards, South African agents were responsible for a series of attacks on anti‑apartheid organisations across the world.† Thus, as the horrors of the Holocaust faded into history and the world became united by satellite communication, the National Party treatment of blacks could only have been perpetuated via external assistance. Although sanctions were imposed and diplomats constantly sent to Pretoria, the police state apparatus was aided by international impotence in the face of extreme racial oppression. Indeed, the nerve centre of apartheid during the era of high apartheid was the South African equivalent of the Gestapo – the Afrikaner Broederband, established by three Afrikaner nationals in 1918. â€Å"The Afrikaner Broederband made the nature of the apartheid administration unique. Most of the country’s leading government members, generals, judges and senior police officers, along with many Church and education officials, operated on the deeply secret level of the AB.† Economic and cultural ties also ensured that key European countries such as Britain and West Germany continued to trade with South Africa, and the illegal arms trade made certain that the AB and hit‑squads of apartheid were always supplied with the tools to guarantee black suppression. In addition, the spectre of the Cold War loomed large over the issue of apartheid. Not only did the USSR divert attention away from the atrocities taking place in South Africa, but the nation was seen, in much the same way as Vietnam, as a key battleground in the spreading of communist theory across the post‑war globe, exacerbated by the rich economic opportunities prevalent in the country. Perversely, the Soviet states supported the liberal racial ideologies of the suppressed black South Africans, fuelled by the extreme anti‑communist stance of all of the NP leaders, who each played a major role in apartheid. â€Å"Apartheid’s phases have been stamped by Afrikanerdom’s great men: Malan preached Afrikaner unity, Strydom the republican ideal; Vorster’s rule was marked by pragmatism and tough security laws; and PW Botha’s era was distinguished by the total onslaught and militarism tinged with reformism.† That the compliance of the international community was a major factor in the continuation of apartheid can be seen through the means via which it was eventually dismantled. The beginning of the end of apartheid was the revised 1984 national constitution, which aimed to highlight existing divides within the nation to split the burgeoning black political parties. The new constitution differentiated between Indians, ‘coloureds’ and whites leaving blacks as the sole focus of racism in South Africa; however, in attempting to woo other ethnic groups the National Party gave explicit encouragement to, among others, the UDF (United Democratic Front). â€Å"The view from below was of a galling piece of political expediency. The new constitution amounted to an admission that apartheid was a failure.† De Tocqueville in the nineteenth century noted that people may endure grievance and abuse only for as long as they feel as if they are powerless to do anything about it. This had certainly been the case in the history of South Africa until the second half of the 1980’s. Yet with the dilution of the ethnic pool over a period of four decades, and the subtle shift in symbolic power from the NP to the ANC, apartheid was ultimately doomed to failure. Conclusion The widespread feeling of isolation was at the root of the perpetuation of apartheid in South Africa. Isolation was first experienced by the Boers and Afrikaners who then transmitted this sense of alienation to the blacks under the guise of apartheid. Isolation was likewise the tactic employed by the international community after the National Party victory in 1948, which further assisted the policy of apartheid. History reports that expulsion from international groups and treaties benefits no‑one but the dictators in charge of the nation that has so offended the free world. The recent examples of Iraq and Zimbabwe highlight the futility of isolation as an international relations panacea to the social ills of the modern world. It is therefore prudent to see apartheid in South Africa as the vision of Afrikaner racists fuelled by international compliance via ineptitude. Apartheid’s longevity was also aided by the presence of communism and the enticing economic climate of South Africa, which ensured that a tougher stance was not taken against the NP. In this way the struggle to end apartheid took the best part of half a century; the greatest surprise was that by 1990 it ended so quickly without recourse to civil war or mass bloodshed. BIBLIOGRAPHY BARBER, James. Mandela’s World: the International Dimension of South Africa’s Political Revolution, 1990‑1999. Oxford, James Currey, 2004. BELL, Terry. Unfinished Business: South Africa, Apartheid and Truth. London, Verso, 2003. BUTLER, Anthony. Contemporary South Africa. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. GILIOMEE, Herman. The Afrikaners: Biography of a People. London, Hurst Co, 2003. HAIN, Peter. Sing the Beloved Country: the Struggle for the New South Africa. London, Pluto, 1996. MAMDANI, Mahmood. Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1996. MOORCRAFT, Paul. African Nemesis: War and Revolution in Southern Africa, 1945‑2010. London, Brassey’s UK, 1994. POSEL, Deborah. The Making of Apartheid. Oxford, Clarendon, 1991. ROBERTSON, Janet. Liberalism in South Africa. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1971. SPARKS, Allister. The Mind of South Africa: the Story of the Rise and Fall of Apartheid. London, Heinemann, 1990